Honorary Consulate General of Milan
Address: Foro Buonaparte 48, 20121, MI Milan
Tel .: +39 0280500559
Fax: +39 0280500559
E-mail: grhoncon.mil@mfa.gr
Honorary Consul General: Nikolaos Sakkaris
List of Greek consulates in Ιtalia:
Greek Orthodox Church
Address: Piazza Borromeo 6, 20123, MI Milan
Tel: +39 347.91.43.238
Site: Sacred Orthodox Archdiocese of Italy and Malta
Tourism Entity
Address: Via Santa Sofia 12, 20122, MI Milan
Tel: +39 02 860470, +39 02 860477
Email: info@visitgreece.it
Website: http://www.visitgreece.gr